Doctoral Consortium

The Baltic DB&IS 2024 Doctoral Consortium is intended to bring together doctoral students working on the novel and innovative matters of developing reliable, secure and sustainable systems for digital business and intelligent systems. The Doctoral Consortium will provide PhD students an opportunity to:

  1. Present their research work in a relaxed and supportive environment;
  2. Discuss their work and receive constructive feedback and advice from leading researchers;
  3. Network with peers and future colleagues.

The language of the consortium is English. All submitted materials must be in English. Attendees must have sufficient proficiency in English to allow them to participate in the academic discussions at the Consortium.

Doctoral student papers (8-10 pages) present the progress of a doctoral research project. They will be presented during the Doctoral Consortium to be held on June 30, 2024. Submissions must conform to CEURART 1-column format. Information about the CEURART format can be found at (Scroll to section: “CEURART style files for papers”). Submissions must be single-authored (PhD student only). The supervisor should be mentioned in the Acknowledgment section. The papers should cover the following topics:

  • introduce the field of research,
  • clearly formulate the research questions and objectives,
  • outline the state of the art of the domain,
  • sketch the research methodology,
  • introduce the proposed contribution,
  • indicate the issues still to be resolved and describe the next steps that are planned.

Doctoral Consortium submission deadline: April 14, 2024 (extended).

Submission address for papers after March 21: .

Selection Process

All submitted papers are formally reviewed mainly regarding relevance, originality, technical quality and clarity of content by a mentor and additional reviewers. Doctoral students will receive formal feedback from reviewers to which they need to respond with an answer letter submitted together with the camera-ready version of their paper in case of acceptance. Authors of accepted submissions will receive instructions on how to submit their camera-ready version.

The review and decision process is a balance between different factors, including research quality and the potential benefit for the doctoral student at the discretion of the chairs.

At the Conference

Doctoral Consortium Keynote: Justyna Berniak-Woźny. Navigating the Doctoral Journey – Insights, Challenges, and Strategies for Success (see Keynotes)

All participants are expected to attend in person. Each student is expected to present his/her work during the allocated 15 minutes. This is followed by a discussion between the doctoral student and the mentor (ca 10min), followed by questions from general public.

The presentation should include (recommendation):

  • Presenting doctoral student name, advisor(s) name(s), and the university where you are conducting your doctoral work, current year of study,
  • The context and motivation for your doctoral research,
  • The main research objectives, goals or questions of your doctoral research and the specific objectives and research questions of the paper submitted to DC (i.e., where does it fit in the frame of your PhD research?),
  • Research approach or method, its rationale,
  • Results and contributions,
  • Novelty and uniqueness,
  • Expected next steps (i.e., future work).

While compiling your presentation, please pay attention to the following:

  • Your presentation highlights the clear focus on the research contributions.
  • Begin your presentation with introducing yourself and your background (short, max 1 slide, 1 minute).
  • The readability of text and visualisations (good quality) (min font size 18pt, recommended for text 28pt).
  • The footer contains the presenter/authors name, conference name and date, slide number.